• info@quacoms.com
  • +240 333 092 046


We offer communication and digital marketing services in order to make your business known and position it in the internet based business world offering the best technologies and tools.
Our communication and marketing services are:

  • Development of websites, mobile applications and web-based applications.
  • PPC campaigns
  • Social media management.
  • Influencer Relationship Management.
  • Employee Advocacy program management
  • ABM campaign management
  • Webinar and virtual event management.
  • Analytics and Reporting.
  • Digital B2B campaign management.
  • Demand management. 
  • Content marketing.
  • Inbound marketing management.
  • Reputation management.
  • Email marketing.


Visit Equacom Media's website for more information www.equacom.media

Do you want to get our quality service for your business?